INTEGRA Biosciences Builds Company Campus for 400 Employees in Zizers

NTEGRA's robots, laboratory products and pipettes are in demand all over the world. So much in demand, in fact, that the company's turnover increased by 73 percent in 2020. Over the last ten years, growth has averaged 23 per cent. "We are growing stronger and faster than we expected," CEO Urs Hartmann is pleased to say. "That is why we want to increase capacity in all areas of the company. With the construction of the INTEGRA Campus, we can secure the Zizers site for long-term development." The existing building in the Tardisland industrial area was built in 2009 and expanded for the first time in 2019. Now it will be expanded into a 30,000 square metre campus. 250 new jobs will be created. Construction work began with today's groundbreaking ceremony and is to be completed in two stages. The first stage of the new building will open in 2023, the second in 2028.